Pool Opens May 18, 2013

Pool Membership is $100 per family in the single family homes and in Cranebridge Place townhomes. (For convenience, pool membership is already incorporated in the Bradford Place Garden Condos and Townhouses dues.) Membership allows pool access all summer and tennis court access from May 2013 to May 2014. Place your check in the DCCA box by the pool house to have your key fob delivered or activated. Please allow several days for activation or drop-off. All pool fobs and pool rules which have already been paid will be delivered to your white box the evening before the pool opens. Key fobs are included at no additional cost the first year, but are $20 if you need a replacement after that. This year we are trying something new. There is a new Weekly Membership for those of you who have family visiting or only want to take swimming lessons. This will be $25 per week. Please contact the Property Manager to arrange, and allow a week for activation. Weeks run from Friday morning to Thursday evening to accommodate both swim lessons and weekend guests. Please remember that Downing Creek residents may not be guests of other Downing Creek residents, but must pay for their own membership. Key fobs are included at no additional cost with your first annual membership, but are $20 if you need a replacement after that. The $20 fee will be billed if you fail to return a weekly key fob.